Appreciation for Nature

More to nature. More to you.

Learn the importance of the natural splendor that surrounds you. Identify different critters and reptiles. Become better acquainted with the trees that help you breathe and the various mechanisms of nature that make the world go round. 

From camping trips to community service, going out into nature is our best way to appreciate all that it offers. The more time you spend with nature, the more you will realize how all-encompassing it truly is – and what your place in it can be. In fact, a study has found that Eagle Scouts are significantly more likely to belong to groups that work to protect the environment and do their best to avoid using certain products that harm the environment and conserve water usage in their households.*

This understanding of the natural world and commitment to solving environmental problems is so crucial to the Scout value system that it’s recognized by the BSA Distinguished Conservation Service Awards program.

The Longhorn Council embraces this with a huge variety of activities that not only take place in nature, but also teach the principles of environmental conservation, such as the Outdoor Ethics Orientation Course, which trains Scouts in Leave No Trace skills development at our own Camp Tahuaya.  

So get out there and adventure. Explore. Discover the exciting environment around you with friends and fellow Scouts.

*Jang, Sun Joon; Johnson, Byron R.; and Kim, Young-Il, "Eagle Scouts: Merit beyond the Badge" (2012). Faculty Publications - Department of World Languages, Sociology & Cultural Studies. 39.

camping at night
Youth hiking
Boy widdling
Kid riding bike
Young group talking
Kayaking teamwork